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NAD+ Therapy in Bucks County

VitaHealth Infusions offers NAD+ therapy to Bucks County residents. Our reputation precedes us in cities throughout Montgomery and Mercer counties, as well as cities like Princeton and Trenton, NJ. NAD is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It is essential in promoting health and increasing lifespan – earning it anti-molecule status. Our NAD+ treatments capitalize on those benefits for your benefit. We push the enzymes directly into your bloodstream for maximum effectiveness. Studies have shown how NAD+ therapies can help with aging and chronic conditions. We’re proud to offer NAD+ to patients like you. We perform the procedure in a state-of-the-art facility, and a registered nurse performs each IV treatment.

Beautiful women smiling

NAD+ Therapy and Anti-Aging

Many of our patients come to us looking for anti-aging services. We offer numerous IV and injectable treatments that can help. NAD+ is one of the most effective. If you’re looking to improve your appearance, NAD+ IV treatment can help by doing the following:

  • Energy Production
  • DNA Repair
  • Mitochondrial Function
  • Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
  • Cellular Senescence
  • Neuroprotection
Nurse preparing for medication

The Benefits of NAD+ Therapy

NAD+ isn’t new. Doctors have studied how it promotes healthy cellular activity for years, and the research suggests how important the IV treatment can be. NAD+ can return your cells to their state when you were young and boost your metabolism. Other benefits of NAD+ IV therapy include:

  • Decrease inflammation
  • Improve cognition and brain fog
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Fights chronic fatigue
  • Increased energy
  • Boosted metabolism
  • Cell regeneration
  • Slowed aging
  • Repaired DNA
  • Improved immune function
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Faster recovery from injury
  • Improved heart and kidney function

What to Expect from NAD+ IV Treatments

We offer tailored NAD+ treatments. Numerous factors determine how frequently you need to visit our office for the treatments to be as effective as you hope. We consider individual factors, such as our treatment and more. In addition to general safety and research issues, some considerations include:

Initial Loading Phase

Sometimes, we use a higher dose at first, which can last a few days to several weeks.

Maintenance Phase

Eventually, we will lower the dose at a sustainable and safe rate. How long it takes varies.

Intermittent or Continuous

Your goals and tolerance for treatment determine whether we deliver intermittent or continuous treatment.

Individual Response

Some people respond to NAD+ better than others. Age, genetics, and overall health play roles.

Combination Therapies

We can suggest lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, to improve the effectiveness of NAD+ therapies.

The Side Effects of NAD+ IV Infusions

Some people experience nausea, brain fog, cramping, and muscle fatigue during the treatment. However, we slowly infuse NAD+ infusions to account for some of the potential side effects. Pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding, and individuals who have seizures should avoid NAD+. If you have experienced adverse reactions from oral NAD+ treatments, then you should not try the infusions. We can speak with you during a consultation to determine whether you are a good fit for NAD+ IV infusions.

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