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IV Infusions in Bucks County

VitaHealth Infusions provides outstanding care to patients in Montgomery, Mercer, and Bucks County. Our IV infusions help restore and replenish your body. Intravenous therapy delivers fluids, vitamins, and minerals to your bloodstream for rapid absorption. They bypass the digestive system to ensure optimal success. Our therapies are perfect for hydration, recovery, anti-aging, and detox. Our doctor-owned practice features a state-of-the-art facility and a full-time registered nurse. You can always count on IV therapy tailored to your needs when you visit us. Enjoy our versatile, effective treatments today.

Man in modern wellness center during intravenous vitamin therapy

The Benefits of IV Infusions

We are proud of our reputation throughout the area. In addition to serving patients in Pennsylvania, we have patients in Trenton and Princeton, NJ. Our doctor-owned practice knows how to use IV infusions to deliver countless benefits. No matter why you want to explore infusions, you can count on our RN to perform them flawlessly. The benefits include:

  • Nutrient Delivery: Infusions send essential nutrients, vitamins, and medicines to your bloodstream for immediate effects.
  • Hydration: One of the best benefits of IV infusions is their ability to hydrate your body and solve electrolyte imbalance issues.
  • Energy and Immune Support: They can increase your energy levels and help your immune system with tailored nutrient blends.
  • Symptom Relief: Infusions relieve headaches, tiredness, muscle cramps, and nausea.
  • Customizable Treatments: You can adjust your IV infusions to fit your health needs and goals.
fresh fruit in water

Inner Beauty

Price $170
If you are looking to rejuvenate your outward appearance, hydrating from the inside out is far more effective than creams and topical products.
This Includes a blend of IV fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants that can help detoxify your body and strengthen your hair, skin, and nails to help you look and feel your best. Improves circulation and thickens dermal layer of the skin to give you that healthy “glow” of youth.”
B-Complex Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Vitamin C, Biotin,
Add On - Glutathione

fresh oranges and orange slices

Clarity and Cognition

Price $190
Help refuel your mental drive while improving focus, keeping you alert and balancing stimulation. Designed to provide cognitive clarity while supporting and improving brain health.
Alpha - Lipoic Acid, Taurine, B-6
Add Ons – L-Carnitine, B-12, Vitamin – C

fresh fruit and vegetables

Alleviate (PMS)

Price $225
A carefully selected blend of ingredients to minimize bloating, irritability and abdominal discomfort.
Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, B-Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), B-12

fresh vegetables

Get Up & Go Energy

Price $180
Packed with B- vitamins and amino acids, and designed for those with hectic 24/7 lifestyles. Helps with mental energy, cognitive alertness, and overall energy to keep you going.
B- complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline
Add Ons: B12, Glutathione

fresh fruit and vegetables in water

Performance and Recovery

Price $215
Give yourself a competitive edge with IV therapy for optimized athletic performance. When exerting your body to the max, the body begs you to replenish. And it would help if you had it NOW, which is the time to choose optimal health to supplement your physical activity.
Whether you are a weekend warrior or an athlete, you push your body to perform, be it competing in challenging tennis matches, participating in endurance activities like marathons, training sessions at the gym, or home. These activities all lead to the loss of fluids, minerals, and vitamins from sweating and then muscle aches soreness during the athletic recovery phase.
As a result, athletes want and need effective ways to detoxify their bodies. That’s why our IVs for athletes are the perfect solution for performance and recovery because we offer what your body needs. A mixture of amino-acids shown to nourish muscles, anti-oxidants to help with muscle recovery, and vitamins and minerals designed to increase energy levels and assist athletes.
Vitamin -C, B-complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Zinc, Lysine, Citrulline, Magnesium Cl, Manganese, Copper
Add Ons – B-12, L- Carnitine
NAD+ – can be beneficial for athletes who want to give their body an extra boost. This supplementation can improve your endurance, performance, and recovery.

fresh fruit in water

B-Lean (Weight Loss)

Price $200
A carefully selected blend of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants to boost your metabolism and supercharge your weight loss efforts. Boost with the Lipo-Mini for best results.
B -Complex ( B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 ), Taurine, B-12, Vitamin C
Add Ons – Glutathione, Lipo -Mino

fresh fruit and vegetables in water

Reboot (Hangover)

Price $180
When you’ve had a few more than you intended to, you might find yourself with a headache, body aches, fatigue, and overall dehydration. We know that alcohol is a toxin metabolized by the liver. It is converted to acetaldehyde which is more toxic than alcohol. This is a step in the detoxification process to rid the body of alcohol. Glutathione, which is a non-toxic substance and produced in the liver converts the acetaldehyde to non -toxic acetate. When alcohol is consumed in large amounts, the glutathione reserve can be depleted, which ultimately causes a buildup of the toxic acetaldehyde. Our IV gives you the ability to rehydrate quickly and detoxify the liver and body with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which can rapidly restore your vitality and energy.
B-complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), B-12, Magnesium, Glutathione

fresh vegetables


Price $215
Feeling fatigued, run down, and have no energy? Then this is for you. This popular Meyers Cocktail infusion IV is a powerhouse multi-vitamin in a bag, it’s perfect for whatever is ailing you. Packed with B-Complex vitamins, B-12, vitamin C, Calcium, and Magnesium, infused into one liter of hydration. The Myers’ is also great for Jet Lag. We have added a powerful antioxidant; glutathione to help the body balance free radicals and oxidative stress all while removing toxins. Our recipe also includes a shot of B-12 for energy.
Meyers Cocktail, (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium Gluconate, Glutathione, B-12

fresh vegetables

Quench Hydrate

Price $180
This IV delivers electrolytes, water, vitamins, and antioxidants directly into your bloodstream restoring fluids lost through dehydration, replenishing essential nutrients to help you feel better faster.
Vitamin – C, B- complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Magnesium Chloride, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Calcium Chloride
Add On – Glutathione – body’s master antioxidant, destroys free radicals, repairs cellular damage, skin nourishment

fresh fruit and vegetables


Price $205
Our Immune Boost IV is a powerful combination of nutrients to help increase immune function.
It is well established that vitamin C and Zinc are two essential nutrients that play important roles in immune function.
Vitamin C, B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), Zinc
Add On – Glutathione

lemon water


Wellness/Anti-Aging – 250mg $315 – up to 2 hr infusion
Neurogeneration – 500mg $515 – up to 4 hr infusion
NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a critical coenzyme found in every cell in your body and is essential for hundreds of metabolic functions.
Referred to as the miracle molecule, and “fountain of youth,” this powerful enzyme can have some amazing positive effects on the human body when it comes to anti-aging, neuro regeneration, inflammation, boosting brain repair and cognitive function, athletic performance, and more. Our mitochondria (a cell structure) work hard to produce the energy our cells need to properly function. Mitochondria function like electric generators, commonly known as “the powerhouse of the cell”. NAD is a key component in this energy-making process and responsible for producing the energy necessary for all of the body’s normal functions. In fact, mitochondria are responsible for producing 90% of the body’s energy, and this process is entirely dependent on NAD+.
NAD+ can help you feel young, energized, and focused.
NAD+, Glutathione
Add Ons – B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium.
For optimal results, please discuss your options with our health care providers.

fresh fruit in water


  • Restores hydration
  • Reduces morning sickness
  • Fills nutritional gaps
  • Boosts energy

  • Fluid only $125
  • B-Complex -$150
  • Zofran - add $25
limes in water

Monthly Packages

One IV and weekly injections:

  • Inner Beauty – $280
  • Performance and Recovery – $310
  • Immunity – $315
  • NAD+
  • Wellness/Anti-Aging – $435
  • Neurogeneration – $625

We customize packages. Call for information.

Benefits of vitamin C

High Dose Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for various bodily functions. It is well-known for its role in supporting the immune system and overall health. Here are some key points about vitamin C:

  1. Antioxidant Properties: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, which means it helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can lead to oxidative stress, which is associated with various chronic diseases and the aging process.
  2. Immune Support: Vitamin C is often associated with its immune-boosting properties. It plays a vital role in the production and function of white blood cells, which are crucial for the body's defense against infections.
  3. Collagen Formation: Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, a structural protein that is essential for the health of skin, blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Collagen also plays a role in wound healing.
  4. Iron Absorption: Vitamin C enhances the absorption of non-heme iron (the type of iron found in plant-based foods) from the digestive tract. This can be especially important for individuals who follow vegetarian or vegan diets and may be at risk of iron deficiency.
  5. Skin Health: Vitamin C is used in various skincare products due to its potential to improve skin health. It may help reduce the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more even skin tone.
  6. Antioxidant Network: Vitamin C can regenerate other antioxidants like vitamin E, further enhancing the body's ability to combat oxidative stress.
  7. Eye Health: Some studies suggest that vitamin C may help reduce the risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, two common eye conditions associated with aging.
  8. Heart Health: Adequate intake of vitamin C has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. It may help reduce high blood pressure, improve blood vessel function, and lower levels of certain risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Respiratory Health: Vitamin C may have a role in reducing the duration and severity of common colds and upper respiratory tract infections. It is commonly taken as a supplement for this purpose, particularly during cold and flu seasons.
  10. Natural Sources: Vitamin C is naturally found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits), berries, kiwi, peppers, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.
  11. Supplements: Vitamin C supplements are available in various forms, including ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, and sodium ascorbate. It is also commonly included in multivitamin supplements.


  • 15g - $225
  • 25g --$275
  • 50g - $325
  • 75g - $375
  • 100g - $425

IV Infusions for Anti-Aging and Detox

Some of our most popular uses for IV infusions are anti-aging and detox. Our therapies are perfect for both. We can use our knowledge to find the right treatment for each patient. B-complex, Glutathione, Vitamin C, NAD+, Biotin, and Taurine all provide ample anti-aging benefits. As for detox, we use Glutathione for optimal results. At VitaHealth Infusions, we believe in providing our visitors with premium care. Whether you want to reduce lines and wrinkles or detox, our IV infusions will deliver immediate results.

Boost Your Wellness Today