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IV Infusions for Bucks County Residents

VitaHealth Infusions offers IV infusions to Bucks County patients. We proudly serve an expansive area, including Trenton and Princeton, NJ, and Mercer and Montgomery counties. Our mission is to be the top choice for clients seeking intravenous and injectable therapies. We understand the importance of delivering services that prioritize your well-being. Our dedicated and knowledgeable team strives to provide IV infusions that meet your needs. We focus on quality, and our personalized treatments ensure optimal patient outcomes. Our doctor-owned practice will work hard to build trust with you, ensuring your satisfaction.

Our Comprehensive IV Therapy Add-Ons

We offer a comprehensive IV infusion program that targets a range of symptoms of aging, stress, depression, and more. Our add-ons can help you get the most out of IV therapy. You can choose from the following:


Zinc is an antioxidant that can improve immune function, reduce healing, and more.

Amino Blend—$25

Amino blends could boost your metabolism and energy levels and burn fat.


This is an option for combatting sleep, cramping, and mood issues.


Biotin boosts skin, hair, and nail health and breaks down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.


This compound helps turn fat into energy and can improve brain health.

Vitamin C—$25

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that boosts your immune system.


Glutathione fights oxidative stress that occurs due to aging and illness.

Tri Immune Boost—$40

This triple defense formula features antioxidants and minerals that help create a better immune system.


B-Complex infusions can increase energy levels, reduce stress, and boost mood. They can also help with anxiety or depression.

NAD+ — $1/mg

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a coenzyme found in all living cells and has even been called an anti-aging molecule because of the many important roles it plays in promoting health and prolonging lifespan.

Why Choose VitaHealth Infusions

We are proud of our reputation for delivering outstanding IV therapies. One of the things that makes us stand out is a registered nurse performs each IV infusion. Our medical professionals keep things safe but can also help you choose the right infusion for your needs. If you want to combat aging, they can recommend an add-on for maximum impact. No matter what you need, our tailored services are right for you. We’re your trusted partner in health and wellness.

Boost Your Wellness Today